
Project pre-prints now available

We have the following preprints of work available for download.

  1. Stuart, A., Harkin, L., Daly, R., Sanderson, L., Park, M., Stevenson, C., Katz, D., Gooch, D., Levine, M. & Price, B. Ageing in the time of COVID-19: the coronavirus pandemic exacerbates the experience of loneliness in older adults by undermining identity processes.https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rhf32

This study reports on repeat interviews over 2019-2021, with older adults who have chronic health conditions. It details the lived experience and identity changes that occurred over this time period, and the impacts of ageing and COVID-19 restrictions upon their loneliness and wellbeing.

2. Elphick, C., Stuart, A., Philpot, R., Zhang, M., Bandara, A. K., Price, B., et al., Altruism and anxiety: Engagement with online community support initiatives (OCSIs) during Covid-19 lockdown in the UK and Ireland. https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.07153

This study reports on people’s motivations for engaging with online community support initiatives in the first national lockdown in the UK.

3. Stuart, A.Katz, D., Stevenson, C., Gooch, D., Harkin, L, Bennasar, M., Sanderson, L., Liddle, J.,  Bennaceur, A., Levine, M., Mehta, V., Wijesundara, A., Talbot, C., Bandara, A., Price, B., Nuseibeh, B. Loneliness in older people and COVID-19: Applying the social identity approach to digital intervention design. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qk9hb.

This paper reviews literature on social identity, loneliness, and digital interventions. It concludes with identifying gaps in existing digital interventions, and develops design guidelines for future digital interventions with a focus on building from evidence collected in research adopting the social identity approach (social identity theory and self-categorisation theory).

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