
Participant User Interfaces

The Human-Computer Interaction team members have been focussing on developing a minimal viable interface that will allow an early pilot deployment for sharing and privacy control. The proposed solution is to have a tablet-based control mechanism for controlling the privacy of participants by allowing them choose which circles of support aggregated data is released to (Food, Medicine, Hygiene and Socialisation are currently being used as initial aggregates). For initial deployment we are envisioning email or SMS to be used to share information from the STRETCH system with the circles of support.

While this provides a solution which is deployable, we want to focus on the interfaces for the circles of support, particularly on how to prevent repeated exposure of messages dulling recipients’ attention, not overloading them with information but still providing the information they need to act upon in a way that is a) understanding, b) going to grab attention and c) is engaging over long-term deployments. We are currently exploring a number of tangible technologies that can be embedded within household objects.

Additional attention is being spent on exploring how to collect participant data on their wellbeing. We have been exploring the use of bluetooth buttons and plan on looking at using Alexa to record and process voice input.

We have been advertising for a PhD student to work on the HCI aspects of the STRETCH project funded from School funds. We currently have at least one promising candidate.